I am not particular whether posts or books or magazines influence action or do not inspire action. I simply do not understand everybody who reads them and how it impacts them.
Challenge. Some leaders are so utilized to having their "YES-men" and "YES-women" that they have some issues dealing with criticisms, challenges and comments to their own mindset. Yet, an excellent coach will not be afraid to challenge you, your mindset, your design and your demeanor. That is the path to growth. You can attempt other approaches and you can become a better leader along the method when you are being challenged.

Authoritarian leaders tend to state exactly what their fans need to do. They inform them when it needs to be done and how precisely they desire it done. In this manner, the followers will understand who the boss is and who calls the shots. There is a focus on formal authority. Titles are very important and you need to have a title in order to be received regard and following.
If not handled correctly, this kind of Leadership might inspire overt or concealed disobedience from the subordinates and fans. If they feel that the leader has actually trampled upon their self-confidence and their respect for themselves, they might feel that they will not lose anything if they rebel. So instead of attaining what the authoritarian leader wants, the subordinates will begin messing up and compromising the work that needs to be done. If this occurs, the company loses.
And was Paul looking for the task of taking the Gospel to the Gentiles? Probably not. It's tough to picture that even Timothy was too excited about getting circumcised, leaving home, and taking a trip with Paul just so he might extol remaining in apostolic management. Whatever the path of management within the church may take, we can presume from scriptural examples that corporate-style leadership is not the proper template to emulate. leadership God has His own methods of choosing leaders, and sometimes it does not include a system of 'making' it.
Leading ourselves back to our real nature [just how much would you take for your eyes? 4 million? your hands? 2 million? feet? legs?] is the beginning point. Accumulate just those body parts then add the worth of your mind and compose that number down. It is in the millions. Yes? Leading ourselves to a genuine understanding of our worth is 'Ready=Set'. now for the 'Go' part.
This makes leadership a not-so-easy discipline to follow. The books, tapes, workshops, etc guarantee excellent things to make us effective leaders. However management, the kind needed for discovering companies, can not be sold over the counter. It is not about strategies and gimmicks. When we understand that it has to do with long-lasting personal growth, filled with battles and stumbles, we'll have made one substantial advance.